"Broad vision and a
proper perspective. - I have greatly increased my knowledge of the ancient
Egyptians and the very diligent Jewish writers in this book, but I am unable to
verify the rabbinical placement of Moses. I am profoundly impressed by Ove von
Spaeth's vast knowledge."
"Danish author Ove von
Spaeth appears to be one of Denmark's boldest scientists. - He takes a
distinctive approach as a historian. To himself he prefers a rather withdrawn
life - with no interviews or being a motif for the photographers of
the press. Better, von Spaeth fills the imagination of his
readers with his discoveries about Moses ...(and) has prepared a brilliant,
logical solution or true stroke of genius."
"Ove von Spaeth is
an acute and captivating scientific explorer whose interpretations of the figure
of Moses should be followed with great attention."
- F.J. Billeskov
Jansen, Ph.D., Professor in Literature Science, at the University of Copenhagen, - Politiken,
"There are large gaps in
the knowledge of official research in several of the same topics presented in
the book. And a good many researchers with an urge for authoritarian "truth" in
this world shy away from openly admitting the size of these gaps. The writer's
knowledge and unprejudiced vision in this regard actually outdistance with
sophisticated expertise the researchers who only think of imparting knowledge on
what was agreed once upon a time."
- Jens Jorgensen,
MA Historian, external history examiner at the Universities of Copenhagen,
Aarhus and Odense, former Headmaster, - Sjaellands Tidende, daily
"The findings are very
ingenious and admirable, and quite surprising considering the apparent lack of
interest of the Egyptians in this sort of astronomy.
- Owen Gingerich,
Research Professor in Astronomy and the History of Science, The
Harvard-Smithsonian Institution, Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge Mass.
"A fascinating, coherent,
interdisciplinary depiction of the origins of the prophet ...the Danish
independent scholar and polymath, Ove von Spaeth, who after a supreme effort
lasting many years may convince us that he has traced the origin and subsequent
life history of Moses in a true deluge of sources. - With nothing less than
formidable control of historical developments and interaction within the
Mediterranean region and the Near East, Ove von Spaeth pieces together a
profoundly fascinating puzzle that may very well turn out to be a true portrayal
of Moses and his life."
- Steen Voigt,
Science editor, - Berlingske Tidende, daily
"It is a Master-work …in my eyes anyway ...and would rate alongside the works of
Flinders Petrie (founder of scientific Egyptian archaeology) ...believe me, the archaeological world need more Ove von Spaeth-s."
- Pat-Moby, -
mobydoc, The Ellen Lloyd Discussiongroup, ancient-history: the Pleiades and the
Senmut Star-map
"Your books about Moses ... How impressive what you have achieved in this field.
Is it internationally known what is obtained here, about an essential period in
the history of our civilization? Unfortunately, Danish language is not spoken or
read by so many outside the frontiers of this country. I give the best wishes
for your work - and send many greetings."
- Bent Melchior, former Chief Rabbi
of Denmark, (1360 Copenhagen K)

"Rightly, Ove von Spaeth has chosen a vivid style in order to reach a wider
circle of readers than mere specialists. Furthermore, his work is inter-disciplinary
to an exceptional degree based on extensive and thorough studies within history,
theology, archaeology, and history of religion, as well as history of astronomy.
- The author argues that the Moses tradition in source material from Egyptology,
the Bible, the Rabbinical Texts, and from a number of historians of antiquity
also reflects special astronomical phenomena.
With zeal and flair Ove
von Spaeth has collected evidence from widely different sources to support his
main thesis regarding Moses and his status and place in history. As a historian
of astronomy I find the basic assumption worth testing in relation to biblical
research, Egyptology, archaeology as well as general history."
- Kristian Peder
Moesgaard, D.Sc. Professor, History of Exact Science Department, Aarhus
University, and Director of the Steno Museum, The Danish National Museum for
the History of the Exact Sciences, Aarhus University
"This is a recommendation,
a recommendation of an unusual piece of work, and the adjective 'unusual' should
be taken in the most positive sense of the word imaginable. - This is the BOOK
about Moses, truly a revolutionary work. - A stringent, disciplined work - and
it reads like an exciting novel; an epoch-making interpretation!"
- Jes P. Asmussen,
Ph.D. et Theology, Professor, - at the Carsten Niebuhr Department of Near East
Studies, University of Copenhagen
"The author's fluently
rapid style should be emphasized, too. He has a rare aptitude for passing on an
extremely complex and sometimes not very accessible subject matter in a vivid
yet logically structured and easily understood manner.
Forming a sharp
contrast to the short-sighted academics of modernity, finding in ancient
literature merely words, Ove von Spaeth finds its imposing spirit, too. In other
words one feels enriched as a human being, not just intellectually enlightened,
when he with unusual insight and understanding explains the religious rationale
behind innumerable phenomena of history as well as present time. Having read
this work nobody will doubt the obvious relevance to modern people of studying
antiquity. -
No researcher has previously turned his or her attention on these matters which obviously deserve
a wider audience. Ove von Spaeth truly risks his neck - which a genuine
researcher must be willing to do, by the way, unless he is content to be a
book-keeper. One thing is certain, however: Ove von Spaeth has thrown down an
impressive inter-disciplinary gauntlet that cannot be ignored."
- Jens-André P. Herbener, M.A. in Comparative Religion and Semitic Philology; Project
leader, at The Royal National Library of Denmark, of the New Scholarly Translation into Danish of
the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)
"Your article on the Senmut ceiling, with so many interesting
- Erik Hornung,
Professor Dr., Ägyptologisches Seminar der Universität, Basel, Switzerland
"Cross-bordering. - An Important Place in History: It is a great pleasure for me
to have the opportunity to recommend to the readers a close acquaintance with
Ove von Spaeth, the Researcher and Writer. Ove von Spaeth belongs to a minor
circle of persons, who have distinguished themselves through history by being
able to make use of their eminent abilities and without being dependent of our
society's established hierarchic structures and habitual thinking.
Ove von Spaeth's research is interdisciplinary and is being carried out in
borderlands, for instance between Humanities (also as spiritual studies) and
natural science. This area represents an insatiable demand for comparative
and cross-border research. However, the area is a total desert in respect of
established researchers' investigations.
Not only has Ove von
Spaeth devoted his life to the research and communication of his discoveries in
this field - he has also been able to handle the task to such a degree where his
research is bound to result in occupying an important position in history.
But as is the case with
everybody within the mentioned circle of persons - with no exception - only the
future, and unfortunately to a minor degree the present, will appreciate the
importance of this research. As it is, I am honoured to have the privilege of
apprising Ove von Spaeth's thoughts and results."
- Erling Haagensen, Writer
and Film Director, Member of Danish Film Directors.
"On the basis of my
translation/interpretation of Tycho Brahe's "Urania Titania", the ancient
horoscopes being published in this connection are historically reconstructed
by Mr. Ove von Spaeth, who for many years has been researching on the
history of astronomy. I am very grateful, not only for this great work but
also for his invaluable contribution to a better understanding of the
astrological texts of the poem "Urania Titani".
- Peter Zeeberg,
Ph.D. in Latin language, Professor at The University of Copenhagen, -
Preword in his book on the Tycho Brahe poem, 'Urania Titania' (Renaissance
Studies, Vol.7, Museum Tusculanum)
"The statements from
renowned researchers and professionals on the cover and in the preface bear
witness to the respect surrounding his work which is bordering on history
and prehistory."
- Helle Winther
Olsen, Senior Lecturer, - Library Lecturers' Reviews, Danish
Register of Books
"Ove von Spaeth goes over
the numerous, cultural-historical threads with a fine-toothed comb and "old-fashioned" spirit of research. Ove von Spaeth manages to establish a deeper understanding
of a historical cultural tradition such as the Law of Moses and avoids the
pitfall in which everything boils down to "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a
tooth". - A polymath's tour de force that deserves a comprehensive readership of
careful readers and which definitely can and should serve as a source of
inspiration several generations ahead."
- Rune Engelbreth
Larsen, M.A., History of Ideas; & History of Religion, - Grafen Literary
"I share with you an
affinity for ancient Egyptian history, of which you are an authority. On two
occasions, in 1962 and 1992, I had an opportunity to visit Egypt. As I gazed
upon the Pyramids that have withstood the times of human history, I found myself
deep in thought and marvelled at Egypt's abundant, ancient wisdom that offers
humanity sound lessons for overcoming the problems encountered in an
increasingly turbulent contemporary society. ... It is my sincere hope that
through exchanges that heighten peace, culture and education founded on Buddhist
humanism we can further expand multi-fold paths of mutual trust. ... Heartfelt
wishes for further success in your important endeavours."
- Daisaku Ikeda,
President of Soka Gakkai International, Tokyo, letter28Dec2005
"After having read about the history of reincarnation, I have picked up
orientation further into your work and from the library I have also got your
other books about Moses - indeed, they are impressive."
- Aage Henriksen,
Ph.D., Professor in Literature Science, University of Copenhagen
“ Over the course of many
years, Ove von Spaeth has dealt frequently with the sixteenth-century Danish
astronomer Tycho Brahe, who has also been a focus of my research, and studied
widely in the literature on Tycho Brahe and other subjects that have become the
focus - and writes on aspects of traditions that reach in time from Egypt to the
Renaissance, at which point they touch upon Tycho Brahe.“
- John Robert
Christianson, Professor Emeritus of History, Luther College, Decorah, IA
52101, USA
“ The way in which the
author combines data from different language sources and countries up to and
including computer mathematically controlled historical astronomy, can nothing
else than convince the unlearned and probably in all substance also in one or
more ways the expert … and in addition I will express my admiration for what the
author has been able to appropriate and build on, as it appears, to a coherent
whole - for comprehensive documentation of what other people partially and with
some narrow entrances have suggested or tried to reach. “
- Erik Dal,
Dr.Phil. in Literature Science, Chief Librarian at the Royal National Library of
Denmark, President of the Danish Language and Literature Society, - former
President of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences
"Heinrich Schliemann, who
proved more than a hundred years ago that the Homeric poems were based on
historical facts. Just like Ove von Spaeth, who gave up his job as a printer,
Schliemann discontinued his job as a merchant, in order to start finding proofs
of his hypothesis. Followed by a lot of adversity and mocking, sarcasm and shake
of heads from the learned people, Schliemann found his Troy … This could be one
aspect for the Danish parallel to Schliemann."
- Flemming Chr.
Nielsen, B.Sc., Editor, Writer, - Jyllands-Posten, daily
"He (Ove von Spaeth) is our guide on
a wonderful journey to the Meccas of the mysteries of religion and to the cradle
of our culture and religion. His ability to synthesize so many religious,
historical and archaeological lines of thought is quite an achievement and
communicating it to others is an even greater exploit. ...Ove von Spaeth writes in a light
style without excessively long theoretical links - within the religious and
historical material. This is knowledge that has unfortunately been met by
thundering silence in some circles. Never have I seen or read such an intensely work as his books on the
historical Moses."
- Cathrine
Oppenheim, Sub-editor - Stjernerne Journal
"This important and
fascinating paper, many congratulations on the research - it is a major advance.
(Years ago I did an English translation - not published so far - of E.M.
Antoniadi's book on Egyptian astronomy)."
- Sir Patrick Moore,
D.Sc., Astronomer, CBE, FRAS, BBC Science editor, Selsey, England
"Ove von Spaeth's work has the potential to change our present view of the
historical sequence of events in the Near East in the second millennium B.C."
- Leo Hjortsoe,
University Lecturer in
Classical Philology, - the University of Copenhagen
inter-disciplinary, - extremely thorough studies ... Ove von Spaeth has
succeeded in presenting the results in a language and a style accessible to the
man in the street. The book receives top marks for its presentation tasks."
- Ejgil Soeholm,
M.A. in Literature Science, Chief Research Librarian, Writer, - Jyllands-Posten, daily
"I have not been able to
devote much time recently to our project (of the single-volume issue of your
book-series on the historical Moses), as I was unexpectedly buried in a huge
editing task, brought about by Random House having decided to bring out another
edition of "Holy Blood, Holy Grail". - I will write an introduction for you!
Meanwhile, I'm aware that there's quite a bit of sorting out to do on our
eventual opus."
- Henry Lincoln,
Writer, Researcher, - Cooper Hill, Todenham, Moreton-in-Marsh, England
"Your efforts are unique, and soon many more people will come forward with the
wish to inform additionally about the new knowledge on the ancient historical
drama you have discovered. Concerning the characteristics of the opposition from
some press medias, not least among certain academic reviewers - you seem to be
up against something which once was denounced as forces of darkness. You deserve
all our admiration for your indomitable search, your energy, and your dynamics
and dauntlessness - and of course the hope that 'once the world will
understand'... "
- Jacob Ludvigsen,
Journalist DJF, Writer, Editor, - DK-3740 Svaneke, Denmark
"His incredible
systematic and detailed research is a cornucopia of enlightening information
about the life and deed of Moses and is transferred to us in a vivid language. -
I can only repeat my great admiration for the impressive research, its logical
conclusions, and the inspiring way of writing. Obviously the resistance that
especially Ove von Spaeth's books are being met with from some Egyptologists and
many academic theologians is a result of a hurt, professional pride, or let us
just use the correct designation, i.e. envy. At this moment a number of
Egyptologists and theologians would wish that it was they who had presented this
research for gaping and jubilant colleagues!"
- Erik Ansvang,
Writer, Lecturer, Course Instructor, Guide for Egypt-touring
"Concerning Moses,
the immensely strong archetype and cultural figure in the mind of the western
world, a remarkable world-class research work has now been carried out by Ove von
Spaeth. With his detailed insight in quite a number of interdisciplinary studies
and his rare ability to create syntheses, Ove von Spaeth is able to prove
connections of sources establishing a new comprehensive picture of Moses.
With a firm base in
existing facts he "in a renewing way writes the history" and extends
conspicuously the perspective on the introduction to the religion and the
cultural impulse which so thoroughly has shaped us in our part of the world.
This is a most welcome and needed renewal of our ideas about central impulses as to the cradle of our European culture."
- Søren Hauge,
M.A. in Intellectual History and Philosophy, Writer, and Lecturer

"I did not know that the majority of the "learned" world considered Moses a
fictive person. It made me very happy that I found your books about Moses at the
library... I know that you are more than aware of the opposition because of the
work you are doing, but you may also know so well how to protect yourself,
otherwise you would not have come this far. "Popularity" is not necessarily a
blessing, and even if it is positive you should be better prepared than for war
if you want to stick to your track all the way through. Thank you for your work."
- Lena Rotenberg,
- Educational Consultant and Deputy Chief Assessor for the
International Baccalaureate Organization's Theory of Knowledge Course
"We congratulate for
the discovery and we wish you good luck with the further investigations."
- George V. Coyne,
S.J., Director of Specula Vaticana (Vatican Observatory) - & Gustav Teres, S.J.,
astronomer, Città del Vaticano, Castel Gandolfo, Italy
"The Project description about the structure and goals of the entire huge
project I find extremely successful, - elements and
arguments refreshingly clearly presented, in fact the points are very
concretely defined. As regards stylistic and structural implementing it is
absolutely among some of the very best textual works
Ove von Spaeth has
produced. On the whole
well written, a great appetizer so I got the urge to read more of his
- L.
Steen Larsen, Ph.D. in History of Religions, Associate Professor at the
University of Lund, Sweden, - Department of History and Anthropology of
"Ove von Spaeth enchants
us with age-old knowledge rewritten in contemporary language so everyone can
participate in following the promising journey of Moses on several levels many
thousands of years ago. A masterpiece that simply must be read, and readers will
benefit and advance even further by reading it more than
once. A presentation, which even penetrates enigmatic mysteries, making
the reader rejoicing in enthusiasm."
- Ulla
Runchel, Futurologist, Researcher, Writer, -
Andalucia, Spain
"The writer has spent more
than 20 years on his studies and worked with these magnificent books - described
by science as "future biblical research", "broader spectra of source material
than other researchers in this line", "history-making interpretation", etc. -
and about human enrichment, exciting perspectives and incredibly informing
history writing. -
It is an achievement to
be able to write about such distant years with thorough documentation - (and) it
requires a huge amount of self-discipline... The many years of work absorbed Ove von Spaeth almost completely. The work has been so important to him that
material occupations and other sorts of well-being became insignificant to his
way of living. He does not flaunt (any) status; to him that is of no value. Most
professional reviewers have seen this work as the best documented solution in
modern research to the Moses question."
- Finn Bentzen,
Editor-in-Chief, - J.A.K. Magazine, quarterly
"Regarding Ove von Spaeth's
book-series about the historical Moses and Egypt: it comprises 25 years of
concentrated research and the results - released through 5 unique works and
in addition a special dissertation, the pioneering work on dating the
world's oldest star map (Egyptian). In all, it is the most ambitious
undertaking of research in the genre of religious-cultural and historical
studies... it is also the most comprehensive interdisciplinary science
project in this field carried out by a single individual."
- Hans Baron
Anckarstjerna, Historian, Editor-in-chief, Journalist DJF, - Swedano
Journal (Scandinavian quarterly)
"As far as research is concerned, Ove von Spaeth has passed the major test of
apprenticeship long ago with his treatise on the ancient Egyptian star map, the
oldest star map in the world - and in addition the master test with his five
volume work about the historical Moses. A hallmark of quality, also striking in
his many articles. All seeking persons can find answers in Ove von Spaeth's
texts informing women and men of today, the teacher, the priest, and in
particular the researcher - here, everybody can find the most unique and subtle
information. Such concentrated knowledge in such a way of clarity and wisdom is
hard to find elsewhere ...
Ove von Spaeth's books
presenting knowledge beyond the ordinary - his texts are new groundbreaking
research being known all over the world. At many universities around the world
the contents of his books are discussed and young researchers in particular are very concerned about his pioneering findings ...
He writes in a special
manner, which in a sense is of the old ideal, yet contemporary, and he uses a special technique and providing a new way of looking at things. At the same time
it is genuine fine research also with such an extremely richness of sources and
references, and the author being in total control of the matters when he writes.
It is unique."
- Merete Gundersen,
Writer, Senior Lecturer, and
- www.siqintelligens.dk
"I read with interest your text - about 'alchemy mysteries, with Moses,
Tycho Brahe, Newton, and Jung' - all of which holds great erudition and insight."
- Johannes
Fabricius, Dr.med et Phil., Professor Ph.D. at Blaagaard National
College for Teachers, Copenhagen.
“You are, in fact, highly
enthusiastic about ancient Egypt and its magnificent culture! You have an
amazing knowledge. Your burning interest and your great commitment keep you in
full swing.- You work tirelessly with Egypt. You are a dedicated ambassador to
the pharaohs of Egypt!”
- Torben Holm-Rasmussen,
- M.A. Egyptologist, Author, Lecturer, - Copenhagen
“I love your website. - I have been checking out your page for years and
your work on the Canopus star etc. intrigued me.”
- Fiona McLaren,
- Author and Researcher of History, Art and Religion, - Dundee, Scotland
"In his books on the important information about Moses, Danish writer and
researcher Ove von Spaeth presents extraordinary knowledge on the life of Moses
and Moses' importance to the origins of Judaism. For this reason, von Spaeth's
extensive, highly respected research and extremely well-documented conclusions
are a weighty contribution to the debate and understanding of the Jewish people.
- Refreshing by exposing this new, unprejudiced view of the background."
- Randi
Christiansen, expert opinion, Contributor to DR (National) radio programme
"Herrevaerelset", permanent text at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation's

"Like so many others I have read your books on Moses with great pleasure and
surprise - surprise as to your abilities to search where it is necessary
to search if one needs an answer and does not only want to "shine" among
"ruminants". - I have especially liked these features:
- your exciting reading written for me and everybody, served in a way so that
everything goes down voluntarily, if only the eyes and the fingers can keep the
- that you weave in the sources in the text in an easily readable way - far
better than a source summary. This was initially supportive of one's growing
wish to recognize the fact that you are right in your hypotheses, and later of
one's own conviction on these."
H. Asbjorn
Christensen, DK-8220 Brabrand, Denmark
"His approach - a
combination of modern astronomical and mathematical evidence with
archaeological materials and Egyptology - allows for a fuller understanding
of the development of astronomy in ancient Egypt and to provide important
chronological evidence. Ove von Spaeth's treatise takes a thoughtful and
reflective leap in this direction and brings startling new light upon the
skies of the Senmut star map."
- Anu Kumar, Ph.D. in English Literature, Pittsburgh
University, and M.A. in Sanskrit Studies, Copenhagen University
"First and foremost he is
known for his impressive, innovative, and very excitingly written work of five
books about the historical Moses, a treatise which in this country has aroused
both the greatest recognition as well as the greatest debate in many years in
this field ...
In his intense and
comprehensive studies of star knowledge in Ancient Egypt, Mr. Ove von Spaeth has
succeeded in wringing out so far unknown information of the oldest star map of
the world. - And last but not least: in addition to his meticulous research and
his ability to understand events and religious life of ancient times, Mr. Ove
von Spaeth is a marvellous narrator. He makes us turn things upside down once
again. And we really need that!"
- Bjorn Andersen,
MA in literature and linguistics,
Adjunct Lecturer at the Copenhagen University, Writer,
Journalist DJF, and former Programme Editor at the Danish Broadcast and
National Television
"Mr. Ove von Spaeth's
background is not the current, scientific education, but rather an
interdisciplinary knowledge and a huge long-life-collected material of sources.
Indeed, his books about Moses are not appreciated in certain circles at the
Parnassus. However, a more fair consideration of controversial points of
criticism should be initiated - for instance instead of this cheap and scornful
non-scientifical rejection that much to my personal amazement I as a listener
witnessed in a lecture hall at the University of Copenhagen on 23rd November,
2003, at a meeting with the Danish Egyptology Society.
Everything considered,
the thoughts and ideas of this writer and researcher deserve broader
dissemination, because so much are definitely suitable for further debate and
information, and are able to present some of history's recognized truths in
unusual, new, unconventional cohesions leading to engagement and inspiration and
further concentration on the subjects.
In particular through Mr.
Ove von Spaeth's humongous work with the book-series on Moses that I know him as
an enthusiastic, engaged, and very serious person, who does not claim to know
the truth, but only suggests other and untraditional angles of interpretation."
Ole Henningsen,
Co-Editor, SUFOI Journal
his work
von Spaeth has brought back one of the great personalities of history from the
misty world of myths - to which he has been relegated - now reinstalled into
sheer reality. But during this endeavour the author has also been able to prove
a very close connection between the ancient Egyptian perception of the world and
a modern perceived realistic initiation psychology, this breathing new life and
meaning into the gradually sectarian, petrified Christianity. In fact, via von
Spaeth the Moses of 3,500 years ago becomes a life-giving source for modern
At all times von Spaeth
will find his supporters among psychologically and philosophically orientated
historians. Nietzsche would have nodded approvingly at von Spaeth's - by the way
- outstanding interpretation of Christianity's evolution from primary
Christianity, its fall, and its ability to stay alive by means of secretly
returning to its Egyptian roots and draw nourishment from that, and how this
hidden side of Christianity all of a sudden came into flower as the humanistic
movement of the Renaissance. - Ove von Spaeth says in photo-negative the same as
Nietzsche in Antichrist. And so far also Kierkegaard, where he claims that modern ecclesiastical Christianity is diluted
rubbish and being almost the opposite of the original meaning.
Sigmund Freud would have
accepted - as a matter of course - von Spaeth's hypothetical basis, which makes
Moses an Egyptian. "The Egyptian factor" as von Spaeth calls it - as being also
a fundamental element in living Christianity - would have been acceptable to
different history authors such as Oswald Spengler and Egon Friedell. And the
close relation between Christianity and Buddhism - it is this relation Wagner
deals with in "Parsifal". Obviously, Carl G. Jung would have taken von Spaeth's
side. - In today's England a man like Colin Wilson would not feel alienated to
von Spaeth's ideas. -
The documentation
presented here by von Spaeth is hard to escape. ... A central basis of the
analysis of his texts is von Spaeth's use of a principle adopted by Max Weber,
the sociologist and anthropologist, who calls it "Verstehen". - A
fascinating world opens up under Ove von Spaeth's magnifying glass."
- Jurij Moskvitin,
Philosopher, Mathematician, Writer, formerly a Reviewer for the Copenhagen
newspaper "Politiken" and occasionally for Danish National Television - and
author of the classic "The Origin of the Thought."