Politiken, (daily), 21 august 1999 (Culture
and Debate section, p.8) - Literature article:
Who was Moses
By EJGIL SOEHOLM, M.A. in Literature Science, Chief Research Librarian,
Finding Moses? But who was Moses? Modern theologians have been busy
turning him into a myth. It's also easy enough to demonstrate the contradictions
in the Bible about him. But there are other sources, incredibly many others,
both Egyptian, Jewish (Rabbinical Writings such as Talmud), Greek, Latin, Arab,
Syrian, and Indian. Ove von Spaeth has been digging through these and with his
seemingly limitless knowledge of history, the relevant philologies, astronomy,
and science of religion he has brought this together in a whole view. It must be
called super interdisciplinarity.
His great work "The
Suppressed Record. - Assassinating Moses" is scheduled for 5 volumes; the first
is about Moses' unknown Egyptian background, and is published by C.A. Reitzel
International, in Copenhagen; (237 pp, illstr.). It is not clear whether the
other books have been released, or if four review quotes placed back in the book
are merely "opinions of consultants" on a manuscript basis. A large number of
professionals have in fact been involved along the way, and they are also being
used for the books public relation work and with no less than two introductions
to the first volume. But in any event: the project is interesting, intriguing.
Moses was, in reality as
it can be reconstructed, born in 1537 BC, according to von Spaeth. As the son of
Pharaoh's daughter Hatshepsut. The story of the reed basket the river reflects
the ancient widespread and well-known royal child ceremony. Moses was thus no
Hebrew, but an Egyptian of high birth. His exile was the result of a fraternal
dispute over the throne, which Moses lost. And here begins with the desert
wandering, which is a different story, a Jewish one.
Ove von Spaeth's very
well-argued attempt to make Moses into a historical figure is, in a layman's
view, based on the unbelievably thorough and diligent studies. The bibliography
fills thirty dense pages. However, it is in fact incredible that he has
succeeded in presenting the results in a language and a style comfortably
accessible to the man in the street. Top marks for the book's mediation
Ove von Spaeth: The Suppressed Record. Moses' Unknown Egyptian Background.
- Assassinating Moses, Vol. 1,
C.A. Reitzel International Publishers, 236 pages, illstr., DKK 248, -
(With written approval at 21.Oct.2001 from Ejgil Soeholm for free use for
Politiken, Daily, (section "Books", p.13), 7
May 2005
- reprints' book review:
Firmly established on the biblical research scene
By STEFFEN LARSEN, Literature Critic, Editor
The plot at the court - and the man from the reed basket
Moses was born 8th February in the year 1534 prior to our calendar. Could it be
true? And that he was an Egyptian and a future pharaoh, but a plot at the court
put him out of the game, drove him into exile and placed him later as the leader
of the emigrating Jewish people. It might be quite true.
It is amazing to read Ove
von Spaeth's "The Suppressed Record". It is bulging from comprehensive
knowledge, cross cutting between numerous sources, popular traditions, astrology
and places itself themselves unshakable on the biblical research's table.
We are about to agree
with the editor of the Faklen Journal, Rune Engelbreth Larsen, who is quoted, on the book cover:
...if Ove von Spaeth's concept is correct the dominant
theological views will tumble "like dominoes".
"The Suppressed Record"
can be read as a detektive story from history's dark well. The author dig deep
into the not so few clues and sources that actually exist; he identifies the
locations and the families. He names the culprit. The material is overwhelming.
One do not need to be interested in Moses to be fascinated by how much one can
get out (after all) so little from so long ago.
(Reprint:) Ove von Spaeth: "The Suppressed Record", Assassinating Moses,
I (C.A. Reitzel publisher, 237 pages, illstr.).
(With Steffen Larsen's
written consent, 11.05.2005 for free use by Ove von Spaeth)
forum&news, moses-egypt.net -
22 June 1999 - Message:
By ERIK DAL, Dr.phil., Førstebiliotekar, Det Kgl. Bibliotek
Book: "The Suppressed Record. - Moses' Unknown Egyptian Background",
Ove von Spaeth
Now, the great book on “Assassinating Moses” has been published - even with the
Roman numeral I. It is a book which also a busy person anyway absolute must read,
quite regardless of background. And in my case without any previous knowledge
than regular Bible history knowledge and, of course, just about life-long
experience of reading scientific prose. I will begin by saying that I am
impressed by how fluid and natural a language the author, OVE VON SPAETH, is
able to apply to such difficult and multifaceted topics.
And even for those who
honestly have read it all, the small summaries are useful - and I also think the
scattering of references into of this text to a limited extent has a good result,
even though I am one of those who hardly goes out in the world to test them. The
book's bibliography is a rare size and content, I remember hardly seeing the
Regarding the matter
itself, I have no real objection, - the way in which the author combines data
from different language sources and countries up to and including computer
mathematically controlled historical astronomy, can nothing else than convince
the unlearned and probably in all substance also in one or more ways the expert.
- I just have an idea of also going to be surprised by the four more books to
come, - and in addition I will express my admiration for what the author has
been able to appropriate and build on, as it appears, to a coherent whole - for
comprehensive documentation of what other people partially and with some narrow
entrances have suggested or tried to reach.
On this background the
author will be wished to have a good continuation of the work and its
publication - so far, as it looks now, unfortunately, without foundation support,
but the release is so impressive, yet managed by C.A. Reitzel’s publisher, Svend
Olufsen, who is a brave manager. I know him from my 17 years as the
Administrator for and for some time President of the Danish Language and
Literature Society (DSL) which for the most part publishes books under
commission by his publishing house - and sometimes also from contact with this
publisher in my many years as Editor for and for some time also President of the
Royal Danish Academy of Sciences.
It would have been
interesting, encouraged by the rousing content, if it could have been possible
to engage in a discussion, pointing out strong or questionable details etc., -
and not everybody, of course, may give the book support in everything, however,
that’s their problem! Let me just say that with me and in my circle the book has
attracted the positive interest and satisfaction which I have implied.
I see in the Berlingske
Tidende (daily) that the author tentatively is somewhat reluctant to appear in
the media, and it may seem a little vexed sight of him and the publisher, but
yet seen from other sites I can also understand it. Erik Dal, -
comment & review of Ove von Spaeth’s vol. 1 on the historical Moses in Ancient
Egypt - to www.moses-egypt.net (22.Jun.1999) -
Erik Dal, Dr.Phil. literature science, Chief librarian at Denmark’s Royal
National Library, President of the Danish Language and Literature Society;
former President of Royal Danish Academy of Sciences
forum&news, moses-egypt.net - 9 October
2011 - Literature article:
Developing a more historical and realistic view
of Moses
By ANU KUMAR, Ph.D. in English Literature, Pittsburgh University, and
M.A. in Sanskrit Studies,
Copenhagen University
Book: "The Suppressed Record. - Moses' Unknown Egyptian Background",
Ove von Spaeth
This book presents vital textual and archaeological as well as astronomical
evidence to build up a case for the historicity of the biblical Moses and sheds
light upon his early Egyptian years before the Exodus. In short, according to
the book’s subtitle, reference… Rediscovered accounts in ancient Rabbinical texts and in
Egyptian sources reveal that the Bible's greatest prophet was born as a
prospective heir to the Egyptian throne. However, enemies at court and in the
priesthood obstructed his chances of becoming a pharaoh …".
The 'buried accounts' - brought back to life here
In fact, by drawing
upon buried accounts from the often less-known ancient 'Rabbinical Writings', the book unfolds the life of Moses as a royal infant born to Queen Hatshepsut in
the 18th dynasty.
These ancient narratives,
compiled and handed down through centuries of time, reveal surprising details
regarding Moses which can be complemented and supported by evidence from
Egyptian inscriptions and astronomical data, as well as several other
pre-classical sources. They include accounts of a man brought up for the highest
office of Pharaoh but upstaged and forced into exile through a complex royal
plot which led to an attack on his life and permanent divestment of his Egyptian
identity through a symbolic execution. These 'buried accounts' - brought back to
life here - show the ways in which Moses’ life diverges sharply from prevailing
perspectives that have coloured our imagination for centuries.
Everyone knows about the
story of Moses found by Pharaoh's daughter in the reeds by the Nile’s riverside
- but was he just a myth? Or did parts of modern biblical research commit
"murder on history"? Viewed from another angle, this incident can be recognized
as part of a royal Egyptian ritual involving the reclaiming of Horus from watery
perils into the arms of Isis and reborn as a divine child with rights of
There are several aspects
of the traditional biblical Moses narrative that can be similarly reviewed and
enlivened in the light of deeper insight into the living customs and practices
of ancient Egyptian culture.
This book contains a
principal thesis - that the biblical Moses, who has been enshrouded by myth and
legend, may in fact have been a historical person and an Egyptian prince from
the 18th dynasty of Egypt. The detailed accounts from the ancient Rabbinical
Writings'which can be complemented and supported by astronomical evidence as
well as through Egyptian inscriptions, suggest that Moses may have been born to
Queen Hatshepsut through a royal sacramental rite and received as an infant on
the Nile in a ceremonial enactment of royal birth.
The book builds up a
fuller account of his early life from these texts - his royal birth, childhood
and adolescence at Pharaoh's court - of the first 40 years where "... Moses was
learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians ..." (Acts 7:22).
Clues indicating that Moses was cast for a different prospective future
In other words, - in this
first volume of the five-book series on the biblical and historical Moses, Ove von Spaeth builds on an
array of ancient textual sources such as the
Rabbinical Writings, archaeological
evidence, and astronomical data, to develop a more historical and realistic view
of Moses which casts light on his Egyptian background and heritage. He suggests
that Moses was an Egyptian prince and heir to the throne who found himself
disinherited and forced into exile as a result of complex plots and intrigues at
the royal court of Pharaohs Hatshepsut and
Thutmosis III (approx. 1500 BC). In fact, several clues are presented indicating that Moses in the Egyptian context
was a probable heir to the royal throne and cast for a different prospective
future than the one which led to his leadership of the Israelites and the events
following the Exodus as told in the Bible.
Piecing preserved evidence from
ancient materials, the author indicates that Moses received years of royal
training and was skilled in political governance and military warfare as well as
educated in ancient arts and sciences, including astronomy, mathematics,
alchemy, magic. It is this background and knowledge that Moses brought with him,
including more esoteric and mystic understandings of a unified divinity, to the
revolutionary impulses of a nascent
Israelite nation and incorporated them later
into the Mosaic Law.
Altogether, in a most
probable way the material - pieced together in mutually supportive ways from a
veritable array of sources - indicates rich perspectives and historical details
regarding Moses in connection with the pharaonic court in the 18th dynasty
especially in ca. 1530-1450 BC.
Ove von Spaeth: "The Suppressed Record. Moses' Unknown Egyptian
Background". - Assassinating Moses, Vol. 1, - ISBN
87-89171-37-1 - (Danish title: 'De Fortraengte Optegnelser')
- C.A. Reitzel Publishers,
Copenhagen 1999, reprinted 2004, 238 pages, illstr., DKK 248,- .
(Text has written approval
from Anu Kumar at 20.Dec.2011 for free use by OvS.)
Publishers who want to publish
editions of these books in English, German, Spanish,
French, Japanese and other languages may use this address:
: The Suppressed Record
- Moses' Unknown Egyptian Background. - ASSASSINATING MOSES,
Vol. 1 (in Danish)
C.A. ReitzelPublisher Ltd., - but after 2008:
online store Lemuel-Books,
- or: online bookshop Bog & Mystik, DK-2500 Valby,
Continue - more Reviewing on Volume 1:
Vol. 1, the Reviews and Literature Articles, Part 1
Vol. 1, the Reviews and Literature Articles, Part 2
Vol. 1, the Reviews and Literature Articles, Part 3
Vol. 1, the Reviews and Literature Articles,
Part 4
A special treasure of knowledge and wisdom
of Greece, Rome, and the Renaissance had originated in Ancient Egypt -
and was here known to connect also with the historical Moses' dramatic
fate and mystery.
Ove von Spaeth has
written an intriguing, new-orientating work presenting this still
influential background of our civilization. • His interdisciplinary
research on history, archaeology, and anthropology goes deeply into
Egyptian tradition, history of religion, initiation cults, star-knowledge,
and mythology - relating to biblical studies, the Rabbinical Writings,
and the authors of Antiquity. • Each volume offers unique insights not
presented before.
Special information is
presented by clicking on the individual cover illustrations: